Well T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, has done it again. I was trying to decide what to write about, when I read his blog. Although I connected the dots before he wrote his January 29th post; it says it all.
When working on my goal planning for the year, I realized that I had lost sight of how my business supports my great purpose and how it really fulfills me. I got so caught up in the day to day minutia that I forgot to read my client testimonials and to look at the greater good. As soon as I did that, things changed. I became more relaxed and things are coming easier. This is not to say that everything is easy peasy and I don’t have challenges. It means that the challenges are part of the GREATER good.
I encourage you to check out Eker’s blog post. You will be glad you did.
Is your life serving your purpose? Can you even remember what your purpose is?