by BevAnn Bonds | Mar 31, 2010 | goals, habits, planning, success
No. No. No. Although it would be great to have a day that I can do nothing, I realize it does not serve my bigger goal. This makes me realize that I have to do things for the greater good. Therefore, a few minutes (or maybe more) of discomfort for the habits I want to...
by BevAnn Bonds | Mar 29, 2010 | goals, habits, planning, success
What do you do when things do not go as planned? I have been working on my success habits for 15 days now. The frustrating part is that despite my desire and drive, things are not going as I planned. I have learned the following: I want immediate results and this is...
by BevAnn Bonds | Mar 26, 2010 | achievement, success
Much of the reason that I have begun this year long journey of posting a blog every day and developing success habit is get out of life what I want. I recently heard something in the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill that drove this point home. I will share it...
by BevAnn Bonds | Mar 26, 2010 | achievement, goals, habits, planning, success
Well, I am bummed. I missed my second post yesterday. I will be making up for that by doing two posts today. I feel that what I learned from yesterday’s experience is much too powerful to keep to myself. Yesterday, we had a newspaper photographer coming to the office...
by BevAnn Bonds | Mar 24, 2010 | goals, habits, planning, success
Yesterday, I mentioned honoring my purpose in the things that I do each day. The reason this came about is that I have read the book Breaking the Money Barriers two times. I am on my third reading. It came to my attention that I was not fully participating in what I...